Coming Soon...
"Let's Discuss Diabetes with Dogs" is a book that helps you reboot your blood sugars, master your metabolism and slow aging as a diabetic. It combines tips and information gathered from the study of the work of many masters on longevity, aging, and diabetes.
It provides personal stories and practical strategies for blood sugar management using high nutrition and a mostly plant-based keto approach to slow (and reverse) aging, by defeating stress and resistance to health. Helping you get off medications, reverse the symptoms of with metabolic disease, and thrive.
(And, it provides guidance on training your dog to be a medical alert dog. Every dog thrives with a purpose!)
For at individuals in the Western world grappling with a diabetes diagnosis, the book draws from my extensive experience mastering diabetic and coach.
I am certain that my story and understanding will be helpful for those starting their diabetes journey or those struggling. Reach out or inquire below.
Sign up for updates and supportive information (newsletter and news).
A Book About Living Well with a with Blood Sugar Diagnosis
Recommendations for Living Well with Diabetes
Give Your Dog a Job! They'll love that and be better behaved.
Get Support and Motivation to Stablize Weight, Stress and Heal, and Get Keys to Increasing Your Time "In Range" for a lifetime, which is the key to longevity with a low risk of the key health risks of diabetics.
3521 Ashworth Ave N
Seattle, WA, USA 98103
Blood Sugar Dogs Coaching is a business of the Ideas and Insights Consultancy:
Email: [email protected]